NASA and Microsoft intro Earth Copilot to tame satellite data overload Proof of concept allows geospatial datasets to be conversationally queried AI + ML16 Nov 2024 | 9
NASA finally launches PACE Earth science satellite 'New era of ocean science' hoped to follow debut of billion-dollar plankton-spotter Science09 Feb 2024 | 6
Alien rock remains found not on but deep inside the Earth Scientists offer explanation for origin of two anomalous structures nestled within our world Science02 Nov 2023 | 21
Existential dread time: One day Earth's oceans will boil. This exoplanet might reveal when LP 890-9c gives us a glimpse into our world's far future, astronomer tells El Reg Science22 Jun 2023 | 25
Boffins rewrite the book on how Earth's oceans developed You don't need alien asteroids, you just need a hydrogen-rich atmosphere and liquid hot magma Science13 Apr 2023 | 33
Remember the Ozone hole? The satellite that spotted it just caused a space junk scare South Korean authorities warned locals to avoid falling space junk, which probably splashed down harmlessly Science09 Jan 2023 | 10
NASA uses space station dust sensor to map 50 methane 'super-emitters' on Earth Oh, we don't think we needed science to pinpoint biggest windbags Science30 Oct 2022 | 40
Moon has been drifting away from Earth for 2.4 billion years, rocks reveal Even our nearest satellite can't stand our gravity Science18 Oct 2022 | 41
SOFIA observatory's last hurrah set back by damage from high winds Boeing 747-based platform now back in California with almost a month to go before science operations end Science17 Aug 2022 | 8
Earthquake halts operations at two of Toshiba's chip factories 6.6-rated rumble joins fire, snow, plague, and trade war as source of recent semiconductor supply chain SNAFUs On-Prem25 Jan 2022 | 6
Alien life on Super-Earth can survive longer than us due to long-lasting protection from cosmic rays Laser experiments show their magnetic fields shielding their surfaces from radiation last longer Science15 Jan 2022 | 83
Earth's wobbly companion is probably the result of a lunar impact, reckon space boffins Reflected light points to Moon-like material on recently discovered rock Science12 Nov 2021 | 38
NASA halts Mars comms for two weeks as Sun gets in way of Red Planet Who wouldn't want a break from Earth's noise? Science29 Sep 2021 | 26
We need a 20MW 20,000-GPU-strong machine-learning supercomputer to build EU's planned digital twin of Earth And this machine will be used to *check notes* study climate change. Study it or cause it? HPC26 Feb 2021 | 94
Pack your bags! Astroboffins spot 24 'superhabitable' exoplanets better than Earth at supporting complex life Just a short 100 or more light years away Science06 Oct 2020 | 72
FYI: Mind how you go. We're more or less oblivious to 75% of junk in geosynchronous orbits around Earth What a load of rubbish Science27 Sep 2020 | 34
Everything's falling apart. The Moon is slowly rusting up – and it's probably Earth's fault We're not talking about the programming language, either Science03 Sep 2020 | 45
We're not all about rockets, says NASA: Balloon tech is good enough for economical star scanning Ahem, hey, any chance LOHAN can hitch a ride? Science25 Jul 2020 | 28
We've heard of littering but this is ridiculous: Asteroid dumps up to 50 quadrillion kg of space dirt on Earth, Moon Sadly, missing all of us by 800 million years Science22 Jul 2020 | 22
Looking for a home off-world? Take your pick: Astroboffins estimate there are nearly 6bn Earth-likes in the Milky Way Getting to them is, however, quite another kettle of fish Science17 Jun 2020 | 53
Machine learning helps geoboffins spot huge beds of hot rocks 1,000km across deep below Earth's surface Large structures were detected as anomalies in seismic waves processed by an algorithm Science15 Jun 2020 | 18
Worried about the magnetic North Pole sprinting towards Russia? Don't be, boffins say, it'll be back sooner or later Satellite data shows two huge iron blobs tussling under the surface Science15 May 2020 | 33
Russia admits, yup, the Americans are right: One of our rocket's tanks just disintegrated in Earth's orbit Good luck fishing all that out of the sky Science12 May 2020 | 71
Quick Q: Er, why is the Moon emitting carbon? And does this mean it wasn't formed from Theia hitting Earth? Decades-old theory may require a rethink thanks to Japanese probe Science07 May 2020 | 53
Kepler telescope is dead but the data lives on: Earth-sized habitable zone planet found after boffins check for errors 300 light years away but hey, why not? Science16 Apr 2020 | 13
Academic showdown as boffins biff-baff over when Version 1.0 of Earth's magnetic core was released 'They have not reported an objective analysis' – now that's a zinger Science08 Apr 2020 | 31
Finally, that cruel dust world Mars proves useful: Helping scientists understand Earth's radio-scrambling plasma Red Planet's sporadic E layers shed light on our world's interference Science04 Feb 2020 | 16
Boffins find proof that yes, Carl Sagan and Joni Mitchell were right, we really are all made up of star stuff Sprinkles from extrasolar red giants found here on Earth Science11 Dec 2019 | 39
Boffins believe it was volcanoes, not just life, that made Earth what it is today – oxygen rich Photosynthesis alone ain't going to cut it as an explanation Science03 Dec 2019 | 27
Your FREE end-of-the-world guide: What happens when a sun like ours runs out of fuel On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero Science15 May 2019 | 60
Guess what shrinks when it gets cold and then you shake it around a little? The Moon. We're talking about the Moon What did you think we meant? Science14 May 2019 | 118
Earth's noggin took quite a clockin' back in the day: Now a second meteorite crater spotted under Greenland ice Pics, video Huge hole hints at home world taking a pounding Science12 Feb 2019 | 27
Core-blimey! Riddle of Earth's mysterious center finally 'solved' by smarty seismologists So solid crew confirm old idea by spotting tiny waves Science19 Oct 2018 | 41
Lo and behold, Earth's special chemical cocktail for life seems to be pretty common Maybe its inhabitants are mostly harmless and ordinary too Science17 Aug 2018 | 89
No lie-in this morning? Thank the Moon's gravitational pull Complex tidal forces have drawn out the day Science06 Jun 2018 | 86
North will remain North for now, say geo-magnetic boffins Much-feared magnetic field 'flip' not happening anytime soon Science01 May 2018 | 70
Boffins find sign of water existing deep into Earth's mantle by looking at diamonds How far down does water drip? Science16 Mar 2018 | 41
Earth days are getting longer – by 1.8 milliseconds per century I thought it was getting dark later and later Science08 Dec 2016 | 34
Earth's core is younger than its crust surface Time is 'bigger on the inside' Science30 May 2016 | 75
NASA deep space scope serves up EPIC Earth snapshots But you won't see stars through it, warns space agency Science20 Oct 2015 | 43
RELICS of the Earth's long lost TWIN planet FOUND ON MOON Astroboffins reckon our world's sister created our beloved lunar body Science09 Apr 2015 | 51
Earth's soil moisture to be sniffed by DIRTY-MINDED satellite NASA launches bird INTO SPAAACE Science31 Jan 2015 | 5
Boffins open 'space travel bureau': Come relax on exoplanet Kepler-16b, says NASA Pics With neat posters in a 1930s style Science08 Jan 2015 | 38
Euro SPACEMAN snaps incredible images of our Blue Planet Vid Watch as the ISS speeds through Northern Lights Science28 Dec 2014 | 12
Did rock-hard aliens turn young Earth MOIST? New probe data emerges H ain't heavy, H's my comet Science11 Dec 2014 | 23
That glass of water you just drank? It was OLDER than the SUN One MEELLION years older. Some of it anyway Science27 Sep 2014 | 78
Read The Gods of War for every tired cliche you never wanted to see in a sci fi book Page File The equivalent of a late-90s Steven Seagal movie in a book Personal Tech13 Sep 2014 | 54
Sleepy spotless summer Sun's shock solar storm surge stuns scientists Vid Grab a digital cam to snap tonight's 'wimpy' X-class flare Science12 Sep 2014 | 10
Blighty in SPAAAACE: Brit-built satellite films the Earth Video Fully British bird snaps sweeping vista of our spinning blue marble Science12 Aug 2014 | 16
Splash! Three times as much water as ALL of Earth's oceans found TRAPPED underground Can it help relieve a drought-plagued world? Well, don't water that brown lawn just yet Science13 Jun 2014 | 61
ET hunter: We will find SPACE ALIENS in 20 years Spacewatcher predicts major discoveries on the horizon ... should the funding be there Science23 May 2014 | 74
NASA finds first Earth-sized planet in a habitable zone around star Red dwarf harbors potential Nu Earth Science17 Apr 2014 | 38
Mars rover Curiosity snaps 'pale blue dot' image of Earth, Moon All of humanity seen in a precious few pixels Science07 Feb 2014 | 42
Hypnotic wind map captures Earth's heavenly currents Warning: Live weather show may prove addictive Science19 Dec 2013 | 26
NASA's search for habitable planets maps ALIEN CLOUD-WORLD First step to finding breathable atmosphere Science01 Oct 2013 | 18
Boffins: Earth will be habitable for only 1.75 BEEELLION more years UK team floats method for picking exoplanets to study in search for the lair of ET Science20 Sep 2013 | 50
NASA probe will ease through Saturn's ring to grab Earth snapshot See that tiny blue dot? That's our corner of ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha, that is Science19 Jun 2013 | 21
Hitchhikers' Guide was WRONG, Earth is not in a galactic backwater Quite a fashionable neighbourhood, new star map suggests Science04 Jun 2013 | 97
New evidence: Comets seeded life on Earth Simulated cosmic snowball breeds complex organics Science06 Mar 2013 | 30
The universe speaks: 'It's time to get off your rock!' Comment Long-term civilization on a single planet is impossible Science16 Feb 2013 | 193
$195 BEEELLION asteroid approaching Earth Too bad it's in an INCONVEEENIENT orbit Science13 Feb 2013 | 71
Earth-like planets abound in red dwarf systems Slow-burning stars may host civilizations far more advanced than our own Science07 Feb 2013 | 92