Win a slice of XP cheese if you tell us where Microsoft should put Copilot next Competition What's that coming over the hill, is it an AI? Bootnotes02 Dec 2024 | 205
What if Microsoft had given us Windows XP 2024? Modern life is rubbish. What if your favorite tech giant had stopped trying to reinvent the wheel? OSes04 Jan 2024 | 108
Nostalgia for XP sells out Microsoft's 2023 'Windows Ugly Sweater' Bliss not your thing? You could win the Paint version Bootnotes30 Nov 2023 | 25
Want to live dangerously? Try running Windows XP in 2023 The pain and joy of using an old OS on hardware newer than it is OSes24 Jul 2023 | 124
Windows XP's adventures in the afterlife shows copyright's copywrongs Opinion Intellectual property law crushed by zombie horde Software05 Jun 2023 | 111
Windows XP activation algorithm cracked, keygen now works on Linux The unkillable OS rises from the grave… Again OSes26 May 2023 | 145
PC component scavenging queue jumper pulled into line with a screensaver Who, Me? Fake BSOD became tool of revenge when a staffer ignored the sensible rules of seniority Personal Tech26 Sep 2022 | 72
Windows XP@20: From the killer of ME to banging out patches for yet another vulnerability Feature When NT and 9x became one OSes25 Oct 2021 | 60
The cockroach of Windows, XP, lives on in London's Victoria Coach Station BORK!BORK!BORK! The three horsemen of the borkpocalypse: CMOS error, XP and... death Bootnotes26 Jul 2021 | 18
Top tip from the original Task Manager taskmaster: Don't put your phone number on that debug message box The Reg takes sneak peek at source tour, hosted by engineer who wrote it Software14 Dec 2020 | 24
Microsoft claims to love open source – this alleged leak of Windows XP code is probably not what it had in mind, tho Software giant is 'investigating', infosec gurus reckon it looks legit Security25 Sep 2020 | 39
The Reg produces exhibit A1: A UK court IT system running Windows XP Exclusive Plus thousands of laptops on unloved Windows OS used by Ministry of Justice, it admits Security11 Mar 2020 | 153
We're afraid it might be terminal: Tesco top-up box looking less than tip-top Bork!Bork!Bork! Windows XP – the gift that keeps on giving (until you need it to actually do something) Bootnotes14 Feb 2020 | 28
We checked and yup, it's no longer 2001. And yet you can pwn a Windows box via Notepad.exe Patch Tuesday Google guru shows how WinXP-era text code grants total control OSes13 Aug 2019 | 67
Windows XP point-of-sale machine gets nasty sniffle. Luckily there's a pharmacy nearby XP lingers like that cold you just can't shake Software13 Mar 2019 | 64
It liiives! Sorta. Gentle azure glow of Windows XP clocked in Tesco's self-checkouts, no less Microsoft still supports some embedded XP derivatives Software22 Aug 2018 | 87
India tells its banks to get Windows XP off ATMs – in 2019! And do some pretty basic security hygiene before then Security25 Jun 2018 | 51
Imagine you're having a CT scan and malware alters the radiation levels – it's doable WannaCry was a wake-up call for healthcare, but the sector is still terribly vulnerable to attack Security11 Apr 2018 | 63
Mozilla extends, and ends, Firefox support for Windows XP and Vista Even Extended Support Releases will be naked and alone as of June 2018 Software05 Oct 2017 | 38
Met Police laggards still have 18,000 Windows XP machines in use Never fear – they're moving to, er, Windows 8.1 instead Software28 Jun 2017 | 58
HMS Windows XP: Britain's newest warship running Swiss Cheese OS Updated Spotted on carrier control room screens - reports Software27 Jun 2017 | 139
Do we need Windows patch legislation? Poll Should vendors be obliged to maintain ageing, unsafe PCs? Security16 May 2017 | 257
Why Microsoft's Windows game plan makes us WannaCry Analysis Oh, 'collective responsibility' – that old chestnut Security16 May 2017 | 186
While Microsoft griped about NSA exploit stockpiles, it stockpiled patches: Friday's WinXP fix was built in February Exclusive And it took three months to release despite Eternalblue leak Security16 May 2017 | 154
90 per cent of the UK's NHS is STILL relying on Windows XP And a load of them say they'll keep using it in 2017 Software08 Dec 2016 | 162
London's Met Police has missed the Windows XP escape deadline 27,000 PCs still compute like it's 2001 Software09 Aug 2016 | 94
Google yanks Chrome support for Windows XP, at long last So long and thanks for all the market share Software14 Apr 2016 | 37
Legion of demons found in ancient auto medical supply dispensing cabinets Updated The Register's free consulting desk says: if it runs on Windows XP, fire it into the sun Security31 Mar 2016 | 47
Chicago cops under fire for astonishingly high dashcam, mic failures Analysis Is it sabotage, lack of maintenance, bad policy or cheap equipment? Legal21 Dec 2015 | 64
Windows for Warships? Not on our new aircraft carriers, says MoD It was indeed just 'comedy wallpaper in a techie's lappie' Software18 Dec 2015 | 166
Windows XP spotted on Royal Navy's spanking new aircraft carrier Windows for Warships: Time for an upgrade, perhaps Bootnotes15 Dec 2015 | 127
Is ATM security threatened by Windows XP support cutoff? Well, yes, but … Don't panic! Just try to get a supported OS, m'kay? Security08 Dec 2015 | 74
Remember Windows 1.0? It's been 30 years (and you're officially old) Microsoft's cash cow celebrates three decades of PC dominance OSes20 Nov 2015 | 190
Microsoft rolls out first 'major update' to Windows 10 IT managers get to pick and choose patches Channel12 Nov 2015 | 131
Google takes old Chrome versions on that long drive in the country Tumbril rumbles for Windows XP and pre-Yosemite users Software11 Nov 2015 | 11
Windows 10 is an antique (and you might be too) says Google man 'Basically XP with a flat design skin' says Android user experience leader Software03 Nov 2015 | 137
Windows 10 growth stalls during October Windows XP market share declining less than Win 8.x or 7 Software02 Nov 2015 | 118
US taxman slammed: Half of the IRS's servers still run doomed Windows Server 2003 And 1,300 PCs running Win XP that it can't find OSes14 Oct 2015 | 28
Lenovo stock: The channel iceberg is melting Frosty PC demand not helping as post-XP order glut clogs distie warehouses Channel30 Sep 2015 | 4
Dixons Carphone still has 7.5k Windows XP EPOS systems Tills 'security posture only as strong as foundation of OS', says infosec specialist Channel18 Aug 2015 | 27
Keep up, boyos! 20k Win XP PCs still in use by NHS in Wales Unrhyw beth ond ffenestri 8 Channel07 Aug 2015 | 22
Half of Windows Server 2003 fans will miss July's security cut-off Please, sir, can we have a Custom Support Agreement? Channel30 Jun 2015 | 10
Beyond the Grave: US Navy pays peanuts for Windows XP support It's $9m a year - whatever OSes25 Jun 2015 | 32 confirms it's binned extended Windows XP support Laggard agencies understand the risks and can cope, says GDS Legal26 May 2015 | 23
HORDES OF CLING-ONS menace IT estate as special WinXP support ends Met Police at least have a plan: NHS doesn't even have a clue Channel08 May 2015 | 49
Google: Go ahead, XP stalwarts, keep on using Chrome safely all YEAR Support deadline extended for upgrade stragglers SaaS16 Apr 2015 | 21
Android lands on Microsoft's money-machine island fortress NCR hurls Google's Linux at Windows XP walls SaaS15 Apr 2015 | 60
Is this what Windows XP's death throes look like? Abandoned OS takes deepest market share dip for ages OSes02 Apr 2015 | 97
Windows XP's market share grows AGAIN! Not even nuking it from orbit will do the job, we fear Channel02 Mar 2015 | 109
Hear that sound? It's the Windows XP PC bubble popping Pricing landslide expected on the PC mountain Personal Tech11 Feb 2015 | 62
Why 1.6 million people will miss Microsoft's Windows Server 2003 date with fate You want to do what? Again?! Channel10 Feb 2015 | 48
Windows XP beats 8.1 in December market share stats Merry Christmas, Satya Nadella Channel08 Jan 2015 | 60
Crack open more champagne, Satya, XP's snowballing to HELL Netmarketshare says operating system has lost 43 per cent of users in 60 days Channel05 Dec 2014 | 47
NHS XP patch scratch leaves patient records wide open to HACKERS Trusts fail to sign up to extended Windows XP support Channel10 Nov 2014 | 52
ONE FIFTH of Win Server 2003 users to miss support cutoff date Migration is not a dirty word. Crevice, on the other hand... Channel07 Nov 2014 | 57
NHS slow to react as Windows XP support nears the end Trusts need to make a move by April 2015 Channel03 Nov 2014 | 21
NSW Govt spends half a million dollars on XP support Foot cushions well used in eight agency IT shops Software03 Nov 2014 | 7
Windows XP market share fell off a cliff in October Windows 8.x finally poised to outstrip XP Channel02 Nov 2014 | 46
Windows XP refresh will DO NOTHING for lame PC market next year Gartner warns consumer will need to help out Channel14 Oct 2014 | 19
VMware updates vSphere, recommends new security fixes Final nail in XP's coffin as Virtzilla bans it as Web Client host? Channel10 Sep 2014 | 13
Dodgy Norton update borks UNDEAD XP systems Securo-bods: 'Turn off browser protection... that might help' Channel08 Sep 2014 | 41
We SO DO support Java on XP, maybe even JDK 8, says Oracle Or at least as much as Microsoft lets us Software14 Jul 2014 | 6