Welcome to the latest Register Debate in which writers discuss technology topics, and you – the reader – choose the winning argument.
The format is simple: we propose a motion, the arguments for the motion will run this Monday and Wednesday, and the arguments against this Tuesday and Thursday.
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During the week you can cast your vote on which side you support using the poll embedded below, choosing whether you're in favour or against the motion. The final score will be announced on Friday, revealing whether the for or against argument was most popular. It's up to our writers to convince you to vote for their side.
This week's motion is: Assumed consent is the right approach for sharing healthcare patients’ data, beyond their direct care.
The debate around the benefits of sharing medical data for the greater good versus individual’s expectations of confidentiality and consent, has become heated to say the least over the last year and a half. But if consent is not just assumed, but informed, do we all stand to benefit? Our contributors serve up their own prescriptions, but you get to decide.
This is the debate process
Read the opening arguments on Monday and Tuesday
Read the closing arguments on Wednesday and Thursday
Voting closes Thursday evening and the results announced on Friday